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  • 3 min read


    A Plastic Free School Bag - Your Guide

    Helping your child have a totally plastic free school bag this new school term means starting with…the bag!

    Plastic Free School - Starting With The Bag

    elephant box in school bag

    School bags can be heavy plastic things. Plastic buckles, plastic straps, whatever it is, it all contributes to the problem of plastic pollution - an issue now considered as serious a threat to the environment as climate change.

    The Best Plastic Free School Bag Solution?

    If you can find a canvas bag with metal buckles in your local charity shop then that is pretty close to as good as it can get. However, if you can’t find anything like that in your area then eBay and Google are your friends. 


    Plastic Free School Bags

    eBay has a great selection of canvas bags, complete with metal buckles, for under £20. That might seem a lot but a decent canvas bag will not only last through school but also well into University and later life if looked after correctly.

    So that’s the bag covered….next up we have…

     Plastic Free Pencil Cases


     The best way to approach the problem of plastics in pencil cases is to look for “hacks”. For example, how about putting your child’s pencils and pens in a canvas shopping bag, wrapping them up and putting them in their rucksack?


    Go Old School

    Or alternatively, go old school. Old school tin or steel pencil cases are still widely available and can easily be found online for around £5 - remember to check that the packaging is plastic free!

    Plastic Free Lunchboxes

    Lunchboxes are perhaps the biggest plastic item of any back to school kit. They are also a large contributor to climate change. Did you know China alone produces15 billion plastic lunchboxes per year? 

    Go For An Eco-Friendly Stainless Steel Lunchbox

    Food grade, stainless steel lunchboxes are not only eco-friendly, they will also last you a very long time. The Elephant Box, our flagship product, is a lunchbox for a proper lunch. It measures 220 mm wide, 150 mm long and 85 mm deep, that gives it a two-litre capacity - plenty enough space for even the hungriest of school children!

    Plastic Free Sandwich Wrap

    Sandwich bags, cling film whatever you’re using to wrap sandwiches in if it’s made from plastic it’s bad for the environment. This even includesbiodegradable sandwich bags as they just break down into smaller pieces of plastic, which inevitably end up in the ocean.

    Make Your Own Plastic Free Wraps Or Look Online

    There are alternatives to plastic wraps. One of the most popular out there isBee’s Wrap, alternative brands doing a similar thing areEco Snack Wrap andKeep Leaf. However, why not have a go at making your own - there are some good tipshere.

    Plastic Free Water Bottles

    The plastic water bottle - one of the biggest villains when it comes to plastic pollution.  We produce around a million plastic bottles per minute and by 2021annual production of plastic bottles is set to top half-a-trillion


    Go For An Eco-Friendly, Stainless Steel Water Bottle

    A reusable, food grade stainless steel water bottle will not only help you play your part in reducing plastic pollution, it will also last you for ages and save you a fortune. Our 750 ml water bottles are made from 100% food grade stainless steel. They’re tough, durable, easy to clean and give a fresh taste every day. 


    The signature Elephant box


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